Lacrimal Duct Issues
Common Causes:
-In some cases, the obstruction is related to the shape and size of the dog's head and muzzle.
-Obstruction may also be caused by a hereditary defect in the formation of the nasolacrimal duct. This defect results in the lack of an opening where the nasolacrimal duct meets the conjunctiva (pink tissue surrounding the eye). This is referred to as imperforate puncta. This condition is most commonly seen in Cocker Spaniels, although other breeds may be affected.
-In other cases, lacrimal duct obstruction develops after birth. Inflammation or infection, within the eye or lacrimal duct, may lead to swelling that blocks the duct.
-Obstruction may also be caused by tumors that develop along the duct, or by foreign material lodged within the lacrimal duct.
Preventative Measures:
Please note that you will have to consult a vet to treat lacrimal duct.
You should keep the area around your dog’s eyes as dry as you can.
You can use a tear stain remover to help remove the stains.